Recreation Sites
Barnaslingan Forest and Trails Closed until Further Notice

Due storm damage there is no access to Barnaslingan until further notice. Large fallen trees are blocking all of the recreation trails.
Update from the Coillte Nature Dublin Mountains Makeover Team: As a result for Storm Darragh, Barnaslingan Wood has suffered significant windblow through parts of the wood with many trees down and trails blocked and as a result will be closed until further notice.
Storm Daragh’s unusually severe north-westerly winds, along with its extended duration and gusting nature, has blown many trees in this lovely wood. Coillte is assessing and mapping the impact to determine what resources are required to clean up the site so that it can be safely reopened.
We are working hard to return the woods to their recreational best. In the meantime, nearby forests at Ticknock and Carrickgollogan are available to visit until it is safe to use Barnaslingan again.

Dublin Mountains Makeover Works Spring 2024

Later this Spring the Dublin Mountains Makeover team will be working in Barnaslingan Woods. Sections of the wood were thinned over the last 2 years. Where trees were felled and removed, this has created a nice gap in the canopy and we are going back in to do an enrichment planting with groups of native tree species such as oak, Scots pine, birch and rowan. In some areas native trees are already regenerating – you might see some holly and birch present, and these will be protected. In other areas non-native conifers Monterey pine and lawson cypress are also regenerating, some of these will be removed to give our native tree species a better chance of survival, as we want to diversify the woodland and increase the proportion of native tree and shrub species.
This work is part of the Dublin Mountains Makeover which will see an area of over 900 hectares across nine Coillte forests transitioning away from commercial forestry, to be managed for recreation, biodiversity and climate.
We thank you for your patience during this process. Please follow all signage while visiting the forest and please take care on the roads with timber lorries entering and exiting the forests.
Site Description
Barnaslingan Wood is a Coillte forest situated on the eastern slope of The Scalp (meaning crevice, chasm or cleft) one of the most spectacular natural features in the Dublin area. This narrow rocky pass through which runs the R117 Dublin - Enniskerry road was formed by an Ice Age glacial lake overflow. There are many granite outcrops and boulders to be seen, especially on the wooded eastern Barnaslingan side. The west side and the dense pine woods of the Killegar summit contrast sharply with the naked boulders of the steep slopes below. The view from the north is particularly attractive and was one much beloved by the Victorian photographers who came here with their large and heavy tripods and pennyfarthing bicycles. (For a full appreciation of the views, it is recommended to have OS Discovery Series No. 56 to hand). When visiting Barnaslingan Wood, the Lead Mines and Carrickgollogan can be easily accessed and are worth exploring for the spectacular views Carrickgollogan
Barnaslingan a Dublin Mountains Makeover Forest

The Dublin Mountains Makeover (DMM) will see Barnaslingan’s conifer forest being transformed over 20+ years to native woodland and mixed conifer woodlands. Look out for the DMM signs throughout the forest to learn about this exciting project.
For more information, including short videos, on the Dublin Mountains check out this link.
Barnaslingan Walking Trails

Scalp Lookout Trail a 1.5 km (45 minutes approximately), moderate walk that is way marked by a Red way marker. This walk takes you to the Scalp view-point. The trail surface is a mix of gravel paths and trails
Pine Loop Trail a lovely 900m (20 minutes approximately) easy walk that is way-marked with blue way markers. The trail surface is gravel.
Download Map - All Walking Trails

Barnaslingan Permanent Orienteering Courses
Planning a Visit
Toilets: none in this forest.
Bins: none in this forest, litter and dog waste should be taken home and disposed of appropriately. Coillte and DMP follow and advocate Leave No Trace Ireland Principles.
Getting to Barnaslingan
National Grid Reference: O 223 204 Understanding grid references
Ordnance Survey Ireland Discovery Series: 50
Location: 1.5 km south east of Kilternan on Barnaslingan Lane.
How do I get to Barnaslingan on foot?
From Shankill it is an approximately 4.5km walk to Barnaslingan on the Dublin Mountains Way. The Dublin Mountains Way is a 42.6km long distance way-marked route which travels through Barnaslingan enroute between Shankill and Tallaght.
From Kilternan village there is a foot-path to Barnaslingan Wood along the Enniskerry Road, there is a map board at the entrance to the forest from the Enniskerry Road.
How do I get there on public transport?
Dublin Bus Route 44 serves Bus Stop No. 4852 (The Scalp (Butlers) Enniskerry Road Towards Enniskerry and Bus Stop No. 4121, The Scalp Wood Enniskerry Road Towards DCU, see Transport For Ireland's Journey Planner for further information and route planning.
How do I get to Barnaslingan by bike or by car?
Take the R117 to Kilternan, a small village south of Dublin city and north of Enniskerry. Continue through Kilternan until you reach a left junction onto Barnaslingan Lane, continue on Barnaslingan Lane for about 2km until you reach a left junction, Barnaslingan forest entrance will be on your right.
Take extreme caution on Barnaslingan Lane as it is narrow, winding and can be busy with vehicular traffic, pedestrians and riders on horseback.
Car Parking Information

Car-Park Opening Hours
November to March: 07:00 to 17:00
April to October: 07:00 to 21:00
Car spaces: 12
Parking fee: None
Note: When Met Eireann forecast snow/ice condition warnings are in place the car-park may be closed at short notice. In a Met Eireann 'Red' Wind warning, you should not enter any forest area. Updates on car-park and recreation site closures will be posted on the News page.
Bike Stands

There are 5 uncovered bike stands in the car-park.
See link to locations of bike stands in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County area.
For more information on all Coillte's recreational sites
- Recreation
- Archaeology
Recreation Sites in the Dublin Mountains
- 5. Kilmashogue
- 6. Ticknock
- 7. Carrickgollogan
- 8. Barnaslingan
Archaeology Sites in the Dublin Mountains
- 1. Slievethoul
- 2. Lugg Woods
- 3. Seahan
- 4. Hell Fire Club
- 5. Massy's Wood
- 6. Tibradden
- 7. Kilmashogue
- 8. Ticknock
- 9. Ballyedmonduff
- 10. Rathmichael Wood